The 3rd KingLeadIES
Time: February 23, 2019
Location: Peking University Overseas Exchange Center
Based on the previous outcomes, this session concentrated on the leadership in development and construction of international schools, talents cultivation, curriculum design and construction activities. Leading researchers in international education, leaders of education groups, principals of international schools and other practitioner gathered together to extensively communicate and brainstorm on the research topic and achieved fruitful results.
The guests include experts and scholars from Peking University, China Youth University of Political Studies, Shenzhen University, NEO Culture and Education Organization of the U.S., Chengdu Research Institute of Education Science, and leaders from other education groups such as Virscend Education and Yew Chung Education Institutions. 14 schools participated in the symposium includes Western Academy of Beijing, PKUHS Tianjian School, Keystone Academy, Beijing Kaiwen Academy, Jingcheng School, Beijing International Bilingual Academy, Huili School Shanghai, Wuhan U-link College, The International Department of Shude High School, Dulwich College Zhuhai International High School,High School Affiliated to Southwest University, Nanjing Times College and The Houde Academy.
Prof. Fengqiao Yan, Dean of Graduate School of Education, Peking University, delivered the opening speech. Prof. Xiaohao Ding, Professor of Graduate School of education, Peking University and Chairman of the Association of Professors presided over the symposium. This symposium was divided into four units. The first unit was "the principal leadership and school development" aiming at analyzing and communicating on the development of leadership communication from the perspective of school administrators. The theme of the second unit was "student leadership and career development", which aimed to explore better leadership training modes and methods in schools by exploring the relationship between student leadership and career development. The theme of the third unit was "curriculum design and leadership development". Participants shared the methods and case studies about how to improve students' leadership in the form of curriculum design in their schools. The theme of 4th unit was "student activities and leadership building", aiming to analyze how to improve students' leadership from the perspective of student activities.
During the discussion, the participants spoke freely and summarized and analyzed the key issues of the whole session. What is leadership? Why is leadership important? What is the positioning of leadership as one of the multi-dimensions of international innovative talent cultivation? What are the current leadership training mechanisms and practices in international schools? They developed a deeper understanding on how to cultivate the leadership of investors, managers, students and other groups in schools.
The research outcomes mentioned in the concluding speech of the symposium were partly released on China Education Daily, Guangming Daily and the official platform of KingLead International, which formed a significant impact. But the research on
student leadership and principal leadership was still on the way. The sharing and discussion of the participants not only contributed their own exploration, observation, thinking and ideas, but also put forward the real problems worthy of
further exploration in the cultivation of innovative talents and leadership building, pointing out the direction of exploration for the research.